Choosing a web hosting company – where to start?

Finding the right web host is an important task. A web host company will be responsible for keeping your site live at all times, applying an SSL certificate, performing technical support within 24 hours, etc. With important technical information stored at a web host company, you want to make sure you find the right one for a long-term commitment. This will save you time, money and all the headache of having to deal with technical issues on your own or not knowing what you are being charged for every year. And the process of moving to a new web host company can be daunting. 

To help you understand more about web host service, as well as how to choose the right company, we have put together some useful tips below:

  • Different types of hosting for your business needs

Different websites require different types of hosting packages. This not only saves you money but also ensures your website has the resources and support needed to run smoothly at all times. 

A simple website with about 3-5 pages showcasing the company’s portfolio and contact information does not require a dedicated server. On the other hand, a high-traffic e-commerce website with hundreds of products need dedicated hosting plans to accommodate business needs. 

Typically, there are 3 types of hosting plans: shared hosting for small to medium websites, virtual private server (VPS) for fast-growing sites, dedicated hosting for high-traffic/high volume sites. You can keep this in mind as one of the fundamental questions when looking for a potential hosting company.

  • Can the web hosting company accommodate high website traffic?

As briefly mentioned, high traffic, high volume website requires a dedicated server. Most hosting service providers charge based on storage and bandwidth needs. If you don’t expect to have a wave of traffic to your site, a basic package with low bandwidth would be enough. However, if you decide one day that you want to light up an e-commerce site with hundreds of products and run a marketing campaign that puts you in the top Google search result, you need a significant upgrade for your hosting package. 

  • Important features and services you should ask for

Big hosting companies often have some low-price hosting packages suitable for small to medium businesses. However, they often offer you less than what you need unless you add additional services to your package, which will end up costing you more. A hosting provider should be able to provide you with a secured hosting service, storage needed, core updates and security patches to current version, incremental backups and restore, etc.

Still have questions about how to choose a suitable web host packageContact us today.

  • Web Hosting, Business, Local, WIKI
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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